2010年1月26日 星期二


主題: 死亡與復活

一、 作曲家眼中的死亡
(1) 舒伯特「死與少女」d小調弦樂四重奏第二樂章 / EMI 7243 566144 20
阿班貝爾格四重奏團(Alban Berg Quartett)演奏
(2) 蕭邦第二奏鳴曲第二樂章/ RCA VICTOR 60822-2-RG(11CD)
(3) 貝多芬「英雄」交響曲第二樂章 / EMI 7243 5 69783 2 4
慕堤 (Riccardo Muti)指揮費城交響樂團(The Philadelphia Orchestra)
(4)布魯克納第七交響曲第二樂章 / Deutsche Grammophon 469 810-2
約夫姆(Eugen Jochum)指揮柏林愛樂交響樂團演奏

二、 十字架上的死亡
(1) 葛利果聖歌"Ave Verum Corpus"(編號不詳) / Voices of Ascension Chorus
(2) William Byrd "Ave Verum Corpus"/ Calvin College Alumni Choir演唱(台灣無售)
(3) 莫札特"Ave Verum Corpus" 作品kv.618號 / DECCA 443 390-2
The Choir of St John’s College,Cambridge演唱
(4) Were You There / Roger Wagner Chorale演唱
(一)Were you there? when they crucified my Lord.(被釘)
Were you there? when they crucified my Lord.
Sometimes it causes me to tremble,tremble,tremble,
Were you there? when they crucified my Lord.
(二)Were you there? when they nailed Him to the tree.(被釘)
Were you there? when they nailed Him to the tree.
Sometimes it causes me to tremble,tremble,tremble,
Were you there? when they nailed Him to the tree.
(三)Were you there? when they laid Him in the tomb.(被埋葬)
Were you there? when they laid Him in the tomb.
Sometimes it causes me to tremble,tremble,tremble,
Were you there? when they laid Him in the tomb.
(3)"Calvary / They Crucified My Lord" / Deutsche Grammophon 429 790-2
Jessye Norman演唱
They crucified my Lord,and He never said a mumblin' word.
Can't you hear the hammer ringin?
Surely He died on Calvary.
They pierced Him in the side , and He never said a mumblin' word.
His blood came streamin' down , Lord! And He never said a mumblin' word.
Not a word!
He hung His head and died,And He never said a mumblin' word.
Not a word!

三、 永恆的復活
Abide with me / Anthony Way演唱 / DECCA 455 645-2
(1) 夕陽西沉,求主與我同住,黑暗漸深,求主與我同住,求助無門,安慰也無覓處,懇求助人之神與我同住。
(2) 渺小浮生,飄向生涯盡處,世情歡樂,轉瞬都成過去,四周所見,都是敗壞變故,懇求不變之神與我同住。
(3) 我需要主,時刻在我身邊,除卻主恩,怎能與魔作戰?誰能像主,時常引導關注,求主不論晴雨與我同住。
(4) 本段歌詞不詳。
(5) 我閉目時,求顯救恩十架,照徹幽暗,指示天上美家,陰翳消逝,欣看天光破曙,無論在天在地懇求同住。

